Life change is possible.

We’re here to walk with you.

Take your next step.

Welcome to Look Higher – Inspired Recovery

  • We are a recovery community of individuals who have recognized we need help for whatever our issues are. Our help comes from on high; that is from God. This program guides us through a spiritually focused 12 step process as we find healing from habits, shame and brokenness.

  • You may be thinking that recovery is only for those with alcohol or drug problems. However, anyone with hurts, habits or hang-ups can find help here. These negative traits prevent depth of relationship with others.

  • We meet most Friday nights at 6:30 at Green Valley Crossing - 75 Railroad St. Putnam, CT 06260

  • Maybe you have tried to quit or change on your own, or maybe you have gone through another 12 step program in the past but not gotten significant help. This program is different because we guide you to connect to God’s power for change in your life. It is no longer you doing this yourself. You also have a community to support you. Many negative habits form from relational stress in our lives. Strong relationships will reverse this process and overcome hurts, habits and hang-ups.

  • We call them life's hurts, habits, and hang-ups. They include but are not limited to:

    • Abandonment & Rejection

    • Abuse: Physical, Sexual, Emotional

    • Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families

    • Alcohol, Drug & Chemical Dependency

    • Anger & Rage

    • Anxiety, Fear & Insecurity

    • Co-Dependency & Unhealthy Relationships

    • Controlling Personality

    • Depression & Loss of Hope

    • Divorce & Loss of Relationship

    • Eating Disorders: Over-eating, Under-eating

    • Gambling

    • Grief & Sadness

    • Guilt & Shame

    • Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior

    • Overspending & Financial Loss

    • Overworking & Workaholics

    • People-Pleasing

    • Perfectionism

    • Sexual Addiction: Adultery, Pornography, etc

  • We won't post your picture or share outside the meeting what has been shared inside the meeting.

  • We are not a detox program, but once someone has detoxed, we can help you stay sober. We are peer lead and nonprofessional.

  • Link to Life Recovery:

    Video link to a life changing concept.!/player

    Read more about it here: